What is the Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023?

What is the primary purpose of the DPDP Act?

The DPDP Act is designed to protect individuals' personal data by establishing clear guidelines for its collection, processing, and security. It aims to create a safe and trustworthy digital ecosystem.
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Key Principles of the DPDP Act


Is the following statement True or False:
Organizations can process personal data without obtaining consent if they deem it necessary.

The DPDP Act requires organizations to obtain clear and informed consent from individuals before processing their personal data.
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Purpose Limitation

What does the principle of Purpose Limitation mean under the DPDP Act?

The Purpose Limitation principle ensures that personal data is used solely for the purpose it was collected for.
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Data Minimization

Is the following statement True or False:
The Act allows organizations to collect unlimited data, as long as it’s collected digitally.

The principle of Data Minimization restricts organizations to collecting only the data necessary for their stated purposes, reducing the risk of misuse.
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Transparency and Accountability

Which of the following is an example of transparency under the DPDP Act?

Transparency ensures that individuals are aware of the organization's data practices, fostering trust and accountability in data handling.
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Data Security

Is the following statement True or False:
The DPDP Act encourages but does not require organizations to secure personal data.

Data Security is a mandatory principle under the DPDP Act, ensuring that personal data is protected from breaches or unauthorized access at all times.
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The Reach of the DPDP Act

Which organizations are covered under the DPDP Act?

The DPDP Act applies to all entities handling personal data of individuals in India, whether they are domestic or international businesses.
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The Role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)

What is the primary responsibility of a DPO?

A DPO ensures that the organization adheres to data protection laws, maintains transparency, and implements robust data privacy measures, fostering trust and accountability.
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Major Penalties For Non-Compliance

Additional Penalties for Non-Compliance

Balancing Digital Innovation and Privacy