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Cyber Best Practices for Education Providers
Cyber security for education providers such as schools are of particular importance due to the sensitive nature of the data stored and the potential consequences of a cyber attack.
Why is cyber security important for education providers?
The main focus of cyber security within the education sector is to first and foremost protect the students. While students seeing upcoming quiz questions is a concern, it's not the primary reason that cyber security is so important.
View Options Again
Students might see upcoming quiz questions.
It's not important, and it's only student data!
None of the options are correct.
Student records may be accessed and abused with malicious intent.
Students and cyber safety
Maintaining a cyber safe environment isn't just on teachers, it also requires participation from students as they may come across sensitive data relating to other students.
Students and technology
Understanding harm
Develop learning experiences
Provide learning opportunities that allow all students, regardless of their development level or background, to test and share their knowledge on what it means to be cyber safe. Develop and share examples of how social media can make a positive change in society. Avoid using scare tactics when delivering presentations to parents or carers.
Young students may be susceptible to different types of harm across a range of technologies and online platforms. It's important to teach students cyber safety practices such as logging out of a device after using it, outlining the risks of sharing nude photos, and explaining the impact that "echo chambers" can have on the way we perceive things.
Develop and implement digital learning materials that meet the needs of all students, including those with a disability. Recognize the developmental needs of students before creating cyber safety educational programs. Finally, use a diverse range of learning activities to engage students.
To maintain a cyber safe environment for students in schools, we should:
To maintain a cyber safe environment we need to create digital learning material, provide learning opportunities and help students understand the risks and potential harms of misusing digital technologies.
View Options Again
Provide students with examples of how social media can make a positive impact on society.
Develop and implement digital learning material that meets the needs of all students.
Help students understand the risks associated with using digital technologies.
All options are correct.
Cyber security for teachers, students and faculty
Schools have become a prime target for cyber criminals, and when we're operating in a digital learning environment, we need to ensure teachers, students, and faculty are taking a consistent approach to cyber security.
Strong authentication
Personal information
Internet browsing
To ensure our accounts are protected against unauthorized access, we need to use strong, unique passwords for all our accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. Using strong authentication significantly reduces the likelihood of successful cyber attacks, even when our password is compromised!
Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.
Be cautious when opening emails or clicking on links, as these can contain malware or lead to malicious websites. Only download files from trusted sources, and be mindful of emails as they may originate from a cyber criminal! If you suspect something is off, don't hesitate to contact the IT or Security team for assistance.
Is the following statement True or False:
We should avoid sharing personal information such as addresses and phone numbers on social media.
Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.
View Options Again
Safeguarding student data
As education providers, we need to provide the tools, techniques, and processes that create a secure learning environment for students and teachers alike.
Access Controls
Encrypted Communication
Backups & Recovery
Only grant authorized parents or carers access to student data and ensure all accounts are secured with strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. When sharing information with other teachers and personnel, only provide it to those with a need-to-know.
Where possible, use encrypted communication methods when sharing student data with colleagues, external parties, or students themselves. Use school-approved collaboration tools that have built-in encryption, and if these aren't feasible, then manually encrypt your messages to protect them from being intercepted.
Regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.
Is the following statement True or False:
It's ok to send sensitive student data using unencrypted digital communication if it's urgent.
You should always take care to ensure student information is encrypted using work-approved collaboration tools when this information is being digitally transferred, If there's no means of securely transferring digital files, other methods such as physical transfer should be used.
View Options Again
To protect against ransomware attacks, we should:
We should regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption, or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.
View Options Again
All options are correct.
Share passwords in case someone forgets it.
Regularly backup student data in a separate location from the original.
Create backups and store them in the same location as the original copy.
Wrapping up
By implementing cyber security best practices, we can enable students and teachers to feel safe when learning in a digital environment.
Translation Correction
Select a translation to correct...
Begin the Guided Tour
[0, "Begin the Guided Tour", "Begin the Guided Tour"],
Look out for urgency in email subjects, fraudulent sender addresses or requests to perform an action.
[1, "Look out for urgency in email subjects, fraudulent sender addresses or requests to perform an action.", "Look out for urgency in email subjects, fraudulent sender addresses or requests to perform an action."],
[2, "Compose", "Compose"],
[3, "Folders", "Folders"],
[4, "Inbox", "Inbox"],
[5, "Starred", "Starred"],
[6, "Draft", "Draft"],
Sent Mail
[7, "Sent Mail", "Sent Mail"],
[8, "Spam", "Spam"],
[9, "Trash", "Trash"],
[URGENT] Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment
[10, "[URGENT] Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment", "[URGENT] Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment"],
Human Resources
[11, "Human Resources", "Human Resources"],
[12, "to", "to"],
Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment
[13, "Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment", "Claim Your Work From Home Set-Up Payment"],
Our company acknowledges that we are all working from home for a longer period and is offering a one-time payment to all employees of
[14, "Our company acknowledges that we are all working from home for a longer period and is offering a one-time payment to all employees of", "Our company acknowledges that we are all working from home for a longer period and is offering a one-time payment to all employees of"],
to ensure that you have a suitable home working set-up.
[15, "to ensure that you have a suitable home working set-up.", "to ensure that you have a suitable home working set-up."],
To receive the payment via payroll
[16, "To receive the payment via payroll", "To receive the payment via payroll"],
you will need to complete this
[17, "you will need to complete this", "you will need to complete this"],
acknowledgement form
[18, "acknowledgement form", "acknowledgement form"],
For more information on how to set up your home office space safely, please look at the
[19, "For more information on how to set up your home office space safely, please look at the", "For more information on how to set up your home office space safely, please look at the"],
Thank you
[20, "Thank you", "Thank you"],
The Human Resources Team
[21, "The Human Resources Team", "The Human Resources Team"],
This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply
[22, "This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply", "This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply"],
Is the following statement True or False
[23, "Is the following statement True or False", "Is the following statement True or False"],
View Options Again
[24, "View Options Again", "View Options Again"],
Email Subject: Urgent Action
[25, "Email Subject: Urgent Action", "Email Subject: Urgent Action"],
Phishing attacks are designed to put a
[26, "Phishing attacks are designed to put a", "Phishing attacks are designed to put a"],
time pressure on us to act fast
[27, "time pressure on us to act fast", "time pressure on us to act fast"],
This can cause us to skip much of the critical thinking we normally apply when browsing our emails
[28, "This can cause us to skip much of the critical thinking we normally apply when browsing our emails", "This can cause us to skip much of the critical thinking we normally apply when browsing our emails"],
Email Sender: Fradulent Address
[29, "Email Sender: Fradulent Address", "Email Sender: Fradulent Address"],
Email Sender: Fraudulent Address
[30, "Email Sender: Fraudulent Address", "Email Sender: Fraudulent Address"],
Attackers will often use
[31, "Attackers will often use", "Attackers will often use"],
obscure email addresses and use display names
[32, "obscure email addresses and use display names", "obscure email addresses and use display names"],
that appear legitimate to the naked eye. Be cautious and carefully inspect email sender information
[33, "that appear legitimate to the naked eye. Be cautious and carefully inspect email sender information", "that appear legitimate to the naked eye. Be cautious and carefully inspect email sender information"],
Email Content: Engaging Topic
[34, "Email Content: Engaging Topic", "Email Content: Engaging Topic"],
Attackers often use a
[35, "Attackers often use a", "Attackers often use a"],
broad but important topic
[36, "broad but important topic", "broad but important topic"],
to increase the likelihood of a victim interacting with the phishing material. These topics may include geographic, political or financial themes.
[37, "to increase the likelihood of a victim interacting with the phishing material. These topics may include geographic, political or financial themes.", "to increase the likelihood of a victim interacting with the phishing material. These topics may include geographic, political or financial themes."],
Email Link: Phishing Website
[38, "Email Link: Phishing Website", "Email Link: Phishing Website"],
hovering over the link
[39, "hovering over the link", "hovering over the link"],
you'll see the true link location. Often this is enough to see the malicious intent.
[40, "you'll see the true link location. Often this is enough to see the malicious intent.", "you'll see the true link location. Often this is enough to see the malicious intent."],
Wrapping up
[41, "Wrapping up", "Wrapping up"],
If you
[42, "If you", "If you"],
spot anything suspicious
[43, "spot anything suspicious", "spot anything suspicious"],
with the email sender, subject, content, links or attachments
[44, "with the email sender, subject, content, links or attachments", "with the email sender, subject, content, links or attachments"],
Don't take the risk. Report the email to your IT or Security team for review.
[45, "Don't take the risk. Report the email to your IT or Security team for review.", "Don't take the risk. Report the email to your IT or Security team for review."],
[46, "Submit", "Submit"],
[47, "Next", "Next"],
[48, "Back", "Back"],
Malicious links will often appear with innocent looking text. By
[49, "Malicious links will often appear with innocent looking text. By", "Malicious links will often appear with innocent looking text. By"],
[50, "Correct!", "Correct!"],
[51, "Incorrect", "Incorrect"],
[52, "True", "True"],
[53, "False", "False"],
Change language
[54, "Change language", "Change language"],
Current Language
[55, "Current Language", "Current Language"],
Use Browser Settings
[56, "Use Browser Settings", "Use Browser Settings"],
Select a language
[57, "Select a language", "Select a language"],
Change Language
[58, "Change Language", "Change Language"],
Please select a language
[59, "Please select a language", "Please select a language"],
[60, "Language", "Language"],
Color Theme
[61, "Color Theme", "Color Theme"],
Color Theme And Background Selector
[62, "Color Theme And Background Selector", "Color Theme And Background Selector"],
Colorful Theme
[63, "Colorful Theme", "Colorful Theme"],
Select Theme
[64, "Select Theme", "Select Theme"],
[65, "Close", "Close"],
Dark Theme
[66, "Dark Theme", "Dark Theme"],
Green Theme
[67, "Green Theme", "Green Theme"],
Purple Theme
[68, "Purple Theme", "Purple Theme"],
Light Theme
[69, "Light Theme", "Light Theme"],
Blue Theme
[70, "Blue Theme", "Blue Theme"],
[71, "Settings", "Settings"],
Theme Selected
[72, "Theme Selected", "Theme Selected"],
This training has been translated from English. If there is an inaccuracy, please report the correct translation by clicking here!
[73, "This training has been translated from English. If there is an inaccuracy, please report the correct translation by clicking here!", "This training has been translated from English. If there is an inaccuracy, please report the correct translation by clicking here!"],
Translation Correction
[74, "Translation Correction", "Translation Correction"],
Select a translation to correct...
[75, "Select a translation to correct...", "Select a translation to correct..."],
Original Text
[76, "Original Text", "Original Text"],
Correct Translation
[77, "Correct Translation", "Correct Translation"],
Translation to correct...
[78, "Translation to correct...", "Translation to correct..."],
Submissions are reviewed and applied within 48 hours.
[79, "Submissions are reviewed and applied within 48 hours.", "Submissions are reviewed and applied within 48 hours."],
Submit Correction
[80, "Submit Correction", "Submit Correction"],
Submission Successfully Sent
[81, "Submission Successfully Sent", "Submission Successfully Sent"],
Submission Error - Please Try Again
[82, "Submission Error - Please Try Again", "Submission Error - Please Try Again"],
Submission Sending...
[83, "Submission Sending...", "Submission Sending..."],
Mandatory Viewing
[84, "Mandatory Viewing", "Mandatory Viewing"],
Please watch the video from beginning to end before proceeding.
[85, "Please watch the video from beginning to end before proceeding.", "Please watch the video from beginning to end before proceeding."],
[86, "Ok", "Ok"],
Note: The Colorful, Blue, Light, and Dark Themes are all WCAG 2.2 Level AA conformant.
[87, "Note: The Colorful, Blue, Light, and Dark Themes are all WCAG 2.2 Level AA conformant.", "Note: The Colorful, Blue, Light, and Dark Themes are all WCAG 2.2 Level AA conformant."],
[88, "Education-Provider-Best-Practices", "Education-Provider-Best-Practices"],
Cyber Best Practices for Education Providers
[89, "Cyber Best Practices for Education Providers", "Cyber Best Practices for Education Providers"],
Cyber security for education providers such as schools are of particular importance due to the sensitive nature of the data stored and the potential consequences of a cyber attack.
[90, "Cyber security for education providers such as schools are of particular importance due to the sensitive nature of the data stored and the potential consequences of a cyber attack.", "Cyber security for education providers such as schools are of particular importance due to the sensitive nature of the data stored and the potential consequences of a cyber attack."],
Why is cyber security important for education providers?
[91, "Why is cyber security important for education providers?", "Why is cyber security important for education providers?"],
It's not important, and it's only student data!
[92, "It's not important, and it's only student data!", "It's not important, and it's only student data!"],
Students might see upcoming quiz questions.
[93, "Students might see upcoming quiz questions.", "Students might see upcoming quiz questions."],
None of the options are correct.
[94, "None of the options are correct.", "None of the options are correct."],
Student records may be accessed and abused with malicious intent.
[95, "Student records may be accessed and abused with malicious intent.", "Student records may be accessed and abused with malicious intent."],
The main focus of cyber security within the education sector is to first and foremost protect the students. While students seeing upcoming quiz questions is a concern, it's not the primary reason that cyber security is so important.
[96, "The main focus of cyber security within the education sector is to first and foremost protect the students. While students seeing upcoming quiz questions is a concern, it's not the primary reason that cyber security is so important.", "The main focus of cyber security within the education sector is to first and foremost protect the students. While students seeing upcoming quiz questions is a concern, it's not the primary reason that cyber security is so important."],
Students and cyber safety
[97, "Students and cyber safety", "Students and cyber safety"],
Maintaining a cyber safe environment isn't just on teachers, it also requires participation from students as they may come across sensitive data relating to other students.
[98, "Maintaining a cyber safe environment isn't just on teachers, it also requires participation from students as they may come across sensitive data relating to other students.", "Maintaining a cyber safe environment isn't just on teachers, it also requires participation from students as they may come across sensitive data relating to other students."],
Students and technology
[99, "Students and technology", "Students and technology"],
Provide learning opportunities that allow all students, regardless of their development level or background, to test and share their knowledge on what it means to be cyber safe. Develop and share examples of how social media can make a positive change in society. Avoid using scare tactics when delivering presentations to parents or carers.
[100, "Provide learning opportunities that allow all students, regardless of their development level or background, to test and share their knowledge on what it means to be cyber safe. Develop and share examples of how social media can make a positive change in society. Avoid using scare tactics when delivering presentations to parents or carers.", "Provide learning opportunities that allow all students, regardless of their development level or background, to test and share their knowledge on what it means to be cyber safe. Develop and share examples of how social media can make a positive change in society. Avoid using scare tactics when delivering presentations to parents or carers."],
Understanding harm
[101, "Understanding harm", "Understanding harm"],
Young students may be susceptible to different types of harm across a range of technologies and online platforms. It's important to teach students cyber safety practices such as logging out of a device after using it, outlining the risks of sharing nude photos, and explaining the impact that "echo chambers" can have on the way we perceive things.
[102, "Young students may be susceptible to different types of harm across a range of technologies and online platforms. It's important to teach students cyber safety practices such as logging out of a device after using it, outlining the risks of sharing nude photos, and explaining the impact that "echo chambers" can have on the way we perceive things.", "Young students may be susceptible to different types of harm across a range of technologies and online platforms. It's important to teach students cyber safety practices such as logging out of a device after using it, outlining the risks of sharing nude photos, and explaining the impact that "echo chambers" can have on the way we perceive things."],
Develop learning experiences
[103, "Develop learning experiences", "Develop learning experiences"],
Develop and implement digital learning materials that meet the needs of all students, including those with a disability. Recognize the developmental needs of students before creating cyber safety educational programs. Finally, use a diverse range of learning activities to engage students.
[104, "Develop and implement digital learning materials that meet the needs of all students, including those with a disability. Recognize the developmental needs of students before creating cyber safety educational programs. Finally, use a diverse range of learning activities to engage students.", "Develop and implement digital learning materials that meet the needs of all students, including those with a disability. Recognize the developmental needs of students before creating cyber safety educational programs. Finally, use a diverse range of learning activities to engage students."],
To maintain a cyber safe environment for students in schools, we should:
[105, "To maintain a cyber safe environment for students in schools, we should:", "To maintain a cyber safe environment for students in schools, we should:"],
Develop and implement digital learning material that meets the needs of all students.
[106, "Develop and implement digital learning material that meets the needs of all students.", "Develop and implement digital learning material that meets the needs of all students."],
Help students understand the risks associated with using digital technologies.
[107, "Help students understand the risks associated with using digital technologies.", "Help students understand the risks associated with using digital technologies."],
Provide students with examples of how social media can make a positive impact on society.
[108, "Provide students with examples of how social media can make a positive impact on society.", "Provide students with examples of how social media can make a positive impact on society."],
All options are correct.
[109, "All options are correct.", "All options are correct."],
To maintain a cyber safe environment we need to create digital learning material, provide learning opportunities and help students understand the risks and potential harms of misusing digital technologies.
[110, "To maintain a cyber safe environment we need to create digital learning material, provide learning opportunities and help students understand the risks and potential harms of misusing digital technologies.", "To maintain a cyber safe environment we need to create digital learning material, provide learning opportunities and help students understand the risks and potential harms of misusing digital technologies."],
Cyber security for teachers, students and faculty
[111, "Cyber security for teachers, students and faculty", "Cyber security for teachers, students and faculty"],
Schools have become a prime target for cyber criminals, and when we're operating in a digital learning environment, we need to ensure teachers, students, and faculty are taking a consistent approach to cyber security.
[112, "Schools have become a prime target for cyber criminals, and when we're operating in a digital learning environment, we need to ensure teachers, students, and faculty are taking a consistent approach to cyber security.", "Schools have become a prime target for cyber criminals, and when we're operating in a digital learning environment, we need to ensure teachers, students, and faculty are taking a consistent approach to cyber security."],
Strong authentication
[113, "Strong authentication", "Strong authentication"],
To ensure our accounts are protected against unauthorized access, we need to use strong, unique passwords for all our accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. Using strong authentication significantly reduces the likelihood of successful cyber attacks, even when our password is compromised!
[114, "To ensure our accounts are protected against unauthorized access, we need to use strong, unique passwords for all our accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. Using strong authentication significantly reduces the likelihood of successful cyber attacks, even when our password is compromised! ", "To ensure our accounts are protected against unauthorized access, we need to use strong, unique passwords for all our accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible. Using strong authentication significantly reduces the likelihood of successful cyber attacks, even when our password is compromised! "],
Personal information
[115, "Personal information", "Personal information"],
Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.
[116, "Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.", "Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal."],
Internet browsing
[117, "Internet browsing", "Internet browsing"],
Be cautious when opening emails or clicking on links, as these can contain malware or lead to malicious websites. Only download files from trusted sources, and be mindful of emails as they may originate from a cyber criminal! If you suspect something is off, don't hesitate to contact the IT or Security team for assistance.
[118, "Be cautious when opening emails or clicking on links, as these can contain malware or lead to malicious websites. Only download files from trusted sources, and be mindful of emails as they may originate from a cyber criminal! If you suspect something is off, don't hesitate to contact the IT or Security team for assistance.", "Be cautious when opening emails or clicking on links, as these can contain malware or lead to malicious websites. Only download files from trusted sources, and be mindful of emails as they may originate from a cyber criminal! If you suspect something is off, don't hesitate to contact the IT or Security team for assistance."],
We should avoid sharing personal information such as addresses and phone numbers on social media.
[119, "We should avoid sharing personal information such as addresses and phone numbers on social media.", "We should avoid sharing personal information such as addresses and phone numbers on social media."],
Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.
[120, "Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal.", "Avoid sharing personal information, such as names, addresses, or phone numbers, on social media or other online platforms. This information can be used by cyber criminals to gain access to accounts or steal identities. Restricting personal information reduces the likelihood that we end up on the radar of a cyber criminal."],
Safeguarding student data
[121, "Safeguarding student data", "Safeguarding student data"],
As education providers, we need to provide the tools, techniques, and processes that create a secure learning environment for students and teachers alike.
[122, "As education providers, we need to provide the tools, techniques, and processes that create a secure learning environment for students and teachers alike.", "As education providers, we need to provide the tools, techniques, and processes that create a secure learning environment for students and teachers alike."],
Access Controls
[123, "Access Controls", "Access Controls"],
Only grant authorized parents or carers access to student data and ensure all accounts are secured with strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. When sharing information with other teachers and personnel, only provide it to those with a need-to-know.
[124, "Only grant authorized parents or carers access to student data and ensure all accounts are secured with strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. When sharing information with other teachers and personnel, only provide it to those with a need-to-know.", "Only grant authorized parents or carers access to student data and ensure all accounts are secured with strong, unique passwords and multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible. When sharing information with other teachers and personnel, only provide it to those with a need-to-know."],
Encrypted Communication
[125, "Encrypted Communication", "Encrypted Communication"],
Where possible, use encrypted communication methods when sharing student data with colleagues, external parties, or students themselves. Use school-approved collaboration tools that have built-in encryption, and if these aren't feasible, then manually encrypt your messages to protect them from being intercepted.
[126, "Where possible, use encrypted communication methods when sharing student data with colleagues, external parties, or students themselves. Use school-approved collaboration tools that have built-in encryption, and if these aren't feasible, then manually encrypt your messages to protect them from being intercepted.", "Where possible, use encrypted communication methods when sharing student data with colleagues, external parties, or students themselves. Use school-approved collaboration tools that have built-in encryption, and if these aren't feasible, then manually encrypt your messages to protect them from being intercepted."],
Backups & Recovery
[127, "Backups & Recovery", "Backups & Recovery"],
Regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.
[128, "Regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.", "Regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster."],
It's ok to send sensitive student data using unencrypted digital communication if it's urgent.
[129, "It's ok to send sensitive student data using unencrypted digital communication if it's urgent.", "It's ok to send sensitive student data using unencrypted digital communication if it's urgent."],
You should always take care to ensure student information is encrypted using work-approved collaboration tools when this information is being digitally transferred, If there's no means of securely transferring digital files, other methods such as physical transfer should be used.
[130, "You should always take care to ensure student information is encrypted using work-approved collaboration tools when this information is being digitally transferred, If there's no means of securely transferring digital files, other methods such as physical transfer should be used.", "You should always take care to ensure student information is encrypted using work-approved collaboration tools when this information is being digitally transferred, If there's no means of securely transferring digital files, other methods such as physical transfer should be used."],
To protect against ransomware attacks, we should:
[131, "To protect against ransomware attacks, we should:", "To protect against ransomware attacks, we should:"],
Regularly backup student data in a separate location from the original.
[132, "Regularly backup student data in a separate location from the original.", "Regularly backup student data in a separate location from the original."],
Share passwords in case someone forgets it.
[133, "Share passwords in case someone forgets it.", "Share passwords in case someone forgets it."],
Create backups and store them in the same location as the original copy.
[134, "Create backups and store them in the same location as the original copy.", "Create backups and store them in the same location as the original copy."],
All options are correct.
[135, "All options are correct.", "All options are correct."],
We should regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption, or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.
[136, "We should regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption, or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster.", "We should regularly back up student data in a separate location from the original to protect against data loss, corruption, or even destructive attacks such as ransomware. Don't forget to have a plan in place for recovering data in a timely manner in the event of a cyber attack or natural disaster."],
Wrapping up
[137, "Wrapping up", "Wrapping up"],
By implementing cyber security best practices, we can enable students and teachers to feel safe when learning in a digital environment.
[138, "By implementing cyber security best practices, we can enable students and teachers to feel safe when learning in a digital environment.", "By implementing cyber security best practices, we can enable students and teachers to feel safe when learning in a digital environment."],
[139, "", ""],
Original Text (English)
Correct Translation (English)
Submissions are reviewed and applied within 48 hours.
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