What is the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework, or NIST CSF, is a set of guidelines developed to help organizations manage and reduce cybersecurity risk by providing industry standards and best practices. While it originates from the U.S., its broad principles and flexible approach make it valuable for organizations worldwide.

The Six Core Functions of the NIST CSF

The NIST CSF guides organizations through cybersecurity risk management using six core functions: Govern, Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. These functions provide a structured approach to effectively manage cybersecurity risks. Let’s explore them.


Establishes and monitors the organization's cybersecurity strategy, policies, and regulations. This function is crucial for aligning cybersecurity risk management with enterprise risk management, ensuring leaders understand and take responsibility for cybersecurity risks.


This involves recognizing all the valuable data and technology assets the organization has and understanding the risks they face. It's about knowing what needs protection and why it's important.


This function is about putting defenses in place. It includes using tools and policies to safeguard the organization's systems and data from cyber threats.


The detect function is about setting up methods to quickly spot any unusual activities that might indicate a security breach or attack, ensuring that nothing harmful slips through unnoticed.


Once a threat is detected, this function outlines how the organization should act to handle the incident effectively and prevent further damage.


After a cybersecurity event, this function helps the organization get back on its feet and restore any services that were disrupted, aiming to return to normal operations as smoothly and quickly as possible.

What function sets up systems to spot unusual behavior indicating a security breach?

The detect function involves putting systems in place to quickly notice any unusual activity that could signal a security threat, helping catch issues before they can cause harm.

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Is the following statement True or False:
The Identify function helps organizations recognize risks across all assets.

The Identify function involves understanding and cataloging all assets to better protect against threats. This includes all systems, data, people, and equipment.

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Which function implements safeguards to secure services and information?

The Protect function involves implementing measures to secure services and information, such as access controls and training.

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Is the following statement True or False:
The Govern function is responsible for restoring services after a cybersecurity incident.

The primary role of the Govern function is to establish and oversee policies, roles, and processes for cybersecurity risk management. The Recover function is responsible for restoring services.

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Is the following statement True or False:
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is only applicable to organizations within the United States.

While it originates from the U.S., the framework's broad principles and flexible approach make it valuable for organizations globally.

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The NIST CSF defines four Implementation Tiers. Partial, Risk Informed, Repeatable, and Adaptive. The selection of a Tier shows an organization’s current risk management practices.
Cybersecurity efforts are basic and mostly reactive. The organization addresses issues as they come up, without a consistent plan or approach.
The organization has started to plan for cybersecurity based on potential risks. Some security practices are in place, but they might not be applied across the whole organization.
Security practices are organized and regularly followed. The organization has clear guidelines that are used consistently and reviewed over time.

And Finally, Tier 4. Adaptive.

Tier 4 is the ultimate level in the NIST CSF framework. Here, security practices are proactive and always improving. The organization learns from past incidents, anticipates future risks, and integrates cybersecurity into every decision, achieving the strongest possible defense and adaptability.


Profiles are custom snapshots of an organization’s cybersecurity approach. Profiles help organizations see where they currently stand (Current Profile) and where they want to go (Target Profile). By comparing these two profiles, organizations can create a clear action plan to close gaps and strengthen their defenses.
Profiles help organizations align cybersecurity practices with their goals, identify gaps, and prioritize improvements, guiding them effectively through the framework's Tiers.
For example, if an organization’s Current Profile places them at Tier 1 but their Target Profile aims for Tier 3, they can use the framework to plan specific improvements.
This approach lets organizations gradually enhance their cybersecurity practices and move up through the Tiers over time towards the ultimate goal, Tier 4.

How do Tiers and Profiles work together in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework?

Tiers indicate how developed an organization’s cybersecurity practices are, while Profiles help set goals and create a plan to improve these practices. Together, they guide an organization in strengthening its cybersecurity maturity step-by-step.

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Wrapping up

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework empowers organizations to strengthen their security, regardless of size or industry. Its clear structure for assessing risks and improving defenses is essential for building resilience in an evolving cyber threat landscape.