Defence in depth

What is defence in depth?

Defence in depth is when multiple layers of defence are used to enhance security. By succesfully utilising defence in depth, organisations effectively minimise the impact of a breach. In the event that one layer is compromised, the presence of additional layers ensures ongoing protection and prevents further damage from occurring.
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An example of defence in depth is:

Defence in depth is all about layers. One defence strategy is good, but multiple layers make a system exponentially more secure!
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How can you use defence in depth in your everyday job?

What is an example of a strong password?

Create strong, unique passwords that include a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using personal information and common patterns. Use passphrases or random combinations instead.
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How can you secure your devices?

Keeping your operating system and applications up to date is a great way to secure your devices! Software developers are always working to improve their software and apps, and they release updates to fix bugs and security vulnerabilities.
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What is the MOST effective way to protect yourself from phishing attacks?

Although it's not recommended to use public Wi-Fi networks, the best way to protect yourself is by remaining cautious of unsolicited emails or messages until you can confirm their authenticity.
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Defence in depth strategies can involve people, processes, or technology.

Is the following statement True or False:
When it comes to Defence in depth, you are one of the layers.

By embracing security policies, sticking to best practices, and staying on high alert for potential threats, you're like the secret ingredient that bolsters your organisation's security posture. Employees serve as a critical line of defence by reporting suspicious activities and actively participating in security training programs.
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The principle of least privilege

Is the following statement True or False:
The principle of least privilege is about ensuring only one person has privileged access.

The principle of least privilege is about restricting the privileges of each user to have access to only what is necessary for their function. It does not matter if that is multiple people, as long as each person has a legitimate reason to have access, you are still practicing the principle of least privilege.
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