ISO 27001 Fundamentals

Is the following statement True or False:
ISO 27001 is a security framework that only applies to the healthcare industry.

Organizations of all types, sizes, and industries can obtain ISO 27001 certifications. It is not limited to any specific sector or geographical location. Any organization that handles sensitive information and seeks to establish and demonstrate a robust information security management system (ISMS) can undertake ISO 27001 certification.
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Objectives & Benefits

Is the following statement True or False:
ISO 27001 can provide organizations with a competitive edge over their competition.

ISO 27001 compliance gives organizations a competitive edge by instilling confidence in their ability to manage information security risks. It improves resilience, enables efficient incident response, and enhances business continuity capabilities, thereby safeguarding reputation and minimizing potential disruptions.
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ISO 27001 Domains

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ISO 27001 Audit Process

What is NOT a step in the ISO 27001 audit process?

While organizations may market their ISO 27001 certification once it's achieved, it's not a part of the ISO 27001 audit process. This process typically consists of planning, fieldwork, and reporting.
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ISO 27001 Auditors

Maintaining ISO 27001 Compliance

Is the following statement True or False:
ISO 27001 certifications expire after 24 months.

ISO 27001 certifications do not have a specific expiration date and remain valid as long as the organization meets the standard's requirements and passes regular surveillance audits.
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