Insider Threats

Understanding the risks of Insider Threats

What is an example of an Insider Threat?

When a former employee retains access to systems they become a potential threat to the organization. The reason for this is that they have the means and potentially the motive to execute on the threat. It's for this reason that employee access to systems needs to be clearly documented, with offboarding procedures on how to revoke the access.
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What motivates an Insider Threat?

Is the following statement True or False:
Personal gain is one of the motivations behind insider threats.

Insider threats can be motivated by personal gain in various ways. Some individuals may seek to exploit their authorized access to acquire sensitive information or gain access systems for financial benefits. This can involve stealing valuable data, intellectual property, or trade secrets to sell or use for personal gain.
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What can you do to protect your organisation from Insider Threats?

What can individuals do to protect their organization from insider threats?

Trusting your instincts is a valuable asset when it comes to identifying potential insider threats. If something seems off or raises suspicions, it's crucial to take it seriously and report it.
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What is an effective strategy to reduce the likelihood of an insider threat occuring?

Least privilege access is the practice of granting individuals only the minimum level of access privileges necessary to perform their specific job functions. This limits the number of individuals who have access to sensitive information, minimizing the chances of insider misuse or accidental exposure.
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Is the following statement True or False:
Enforcing least privilege access is not an effective measures against insider threats.

Enforcing the principle of least privilege ensures that individuals only have access to the information necessary to perform their job functions. By restricting access rights to sensitive data on a need-to-know basis, organizations reduce the risk of unauthorized disclosure or abuse of information by insiders.
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What can insider threats potentially do within an organization?

Insider threats can exploit their insider status and knowledge of systems, processes, and architecture to carry out these activities, often causing significant harm due to their unrestricted access and understanding of the organisation's infrastructure.
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