Responsible Administration

Defining Privileged Access

Is the following statement True or False:
Privileged users don't need to adhere to company policies or procedures

Being in a position of power, privileged users must adhere to the highest ethical standards. Their actions should always align with company policies, procedures, and legal requirements.
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Risks & Challenges

What's a potential security impact of having too many privileged users?

Privileged accounts increase the potential attack surface of an organization as malicious insiders and cybercriminals can use these accounts to steal sensitive information or even bypass security tools and processes that have been implemented.
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Tips & Tricks

Practicing Least Privilege

Is the following statement True or False:
When granting users access, it's best to give slightly more access than what is needed.

When granting users access, they should only be granted the minimum level of access necessary to perform their specific job responsibilities, limiting their ability to make unauthorized changes or access sensitive data.
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Is the following statement True or False:
Access permissions shouldn't be based on predefined roles and responsibilities

Access permissions need to be based on predefined roles and responsibilities, ensuring that users only have access to the resources and functions required for their specific roles.
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Is the following statement True or False:
It's important to conduct periodic audits to evaluate and update user permissions

It's important to conduct periodic audits to evaluate and update user permissions, removing unnecessary privileges, and ensuring that access rights align with the principle of least privilege, thereby reducing the risk of privilege creep and maintaining a secure environment.
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