Secure internet browsing

How can you secure your internet browsing

To secure your internet browsing, you should use strong and unique passwords, avoid suspicious emails and websites and use up-to-date antivirus software.
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What is a secure web browser?

Is the following statement True or False:
Secure internet browsers should have built-in phishing and malware protection capabilities

Technologies built-in browsers such as Google Safe Browsing, Microsoft SmartScreen and Firefox Focus provide built-in protection capabilities to prevent users from visiting websites associated with the delivery of phishing material and malware.
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Secure browsing: Credit card fraud

Secure browsing: Malware delivery

Secure browsing: Credential harvesting

Protecting against online fraud

How can you protect against credit card fraud?

To protect against credit card fraud, you should use strong passwords and enable multi-factor authentication on any website you provide your credit cards to. You should be cautious when giving out credit card information and only provide it to trusted websites. Finally, you should use a credit card with a bank that provides fraud protection.
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How can you protect against websites delivering malware?

To protect against websites delivering malware, you should ensure your operating system and internet browser are up-to-date and have the latest security fixes applied. Vulnerabilities in either of these could be abused to gain access to your computer. Additionally, you should avoid downloading and executing files provides from unfamiliar websites.
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How can you protect against websites stealing credentials?

To protect against websites attempting to steal your credentials, you should ensure your browser has built-in phishing protections such as Google Safe Browsing, Microsoft SmartScreen and Firefox Focus. Additionally, you should avoid clicking on links within suspicious emails, advertisements or found within low-ranking search engine results.
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