What is Smishing?

Common Smishing Tactics

Which technique is NOT commonly used in smishing attacks?

Urgency, government impersonation, and sending fraudulent updates are all powerful tools in a smisher's arsenal. A pre-recorded message is commonly used in a vishing attack, in which the scammers use voice instead of text.
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Seasonal Smishing

Is the following statement True or False:
Smishers will take advantage of seasonal and current events to try to trick victims.

Smishers exploit seasonal and current events to craft timely, compelling scams that prey on victims' heightened interest and emotions during these periods, increasing the likelihood of their fraudulent messages being trusted and acted upon.
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What does a smishing message look like? (1 of 2)

Training Image

What does a smishing message look like? (2 of 2)

Training Image

What can you do to prevent smishing?

Smishing tactics are constantly evolving.

Why is it important to stay updated on smishing tactics?

Staying updated on smishing tactics is crucial because these tactics are always evolving. Cybercriminals constantly innovate, creating new methods to trick individuals. Understanding the latest techniques helps you stay one step ahead.
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Is the following statement True or False:
Using multi-factor authentication helps to combat smishing.

Multi-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security. Even if your login information is compromised, attackers would still need to bypass an additional safeguard, such as a code in an authenticator mobile phone app, making unauthorized access significantly more difficult.
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What to do if you've fallen victim to smishing.

What should you do if you suspect you’ve fallen for smishing?

If you accidentally responded to a scam message and shared your financial details, you should immediately contact your bank or credit card company. They can help secure your accounts by monitoring for unusual activity or changing your account details to prevent unauthorized access.
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