Web 3.0 and Blockchain Security

The Journey to Web 3.0

Is the following statement True or False:
Web 3.0 aims to shift towards large corporations controlling data.

In Web 3.0, interactions are more secure, private, and user-centric, with an emphasis on peer-to-peer transactions, smart contracts, and an environment that doesn’t rely heavily on central authorities.
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What is a characteristic of Web 1.0?

Static pages are a hallmark characteristic of Web 1.0. Users could consume information without much interaction or the ability to contribute content.
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What is a characteristic of Web 2.0?

Social Networking sites are a symbol of Web 2.0, highlighting user-generated content, usability, and communication.
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What is a characteristic of Web 3.0?

Blockchain is a fundamental pillar of Web 3.0, facilitating the shift to decentralization, user control, and privacy.
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Understanding Blockchain's Role in Web 3.0

Blockchain Is the Backbone of Web 3.0

Is the following statement True or False:
The blockchain serves as the infrastructure for a decentralized internet.

Blockchain serves as the foundational infrastructure for a decentralized internet. It provides the necessary framework for secure, transparent, and distributed data management, enabling peer-to-peer interactions without relying on central authorities.
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Is the following statement True or False:
Web 3.0 is less secure than Web 2.0

Web 3.0 enhances security through decentralization, better cryptography, and immutable records, addressing Web 2.0's issues like central data breaches and privacy concerns.
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Is the following statement True or False:
Blockchain limits your control over your online financial assets and transactions.

Blockchain technology, through cryptocurrencies, digital tokens, and decentralized finance (DeFi), empowers individuals by giving them more control over their assets and transactions. It allows direct trades and transactions without intermediaries like banks.
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Blockchain Is Not Perfect

Blockchains Security Challenges

What is a Sybil Attack?

A Sybil Attack in blockchain is when an individual or entity creates numerous fake identities to gain an unfair advantage or influence within the network. This can compromise the fairness and security of the blockchain, as these fake identities could manipulate decisions or transactions.
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What is a 51% Attack?

In a 51% attack, an attacker gains control of more than 50% of the blockchain network's computing power, which can enable them to manipulate transaction records. This control can undermine the integrity of the blockchain, potentially collapsing the trust in that blockchain system.
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What makes smart contracts vulnerable to attack?

Smart contracts are automated contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code. These contracts are executed by the blockchain when predetermined conditions are met. However, if there are flaws in this code, the contracts can be vulnerable to attacks. This could potentially lead to unauthorized access or other forms of breaches, emphasizing the importance of rigorous testing and auditing of smart contracts.
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Embrace With Caution